Nethack troll movie

English version below.
Eis aqui um pequeno vídeo que eu fiz enquanto aprendia a mexer no Blender.
Ele mostra um @ entrando por uma porta, enquanto um troll vem do lado oposto da sala. Eu adicionei luz amarela à cena porque faz mais sentido – supõe-se que as salas da masmorra de nethack têm tochas para iluminá-las, ou não?
Note que as chamas das tochas não se movem; eu ainda não aprendi a fazer esse efeito.
Veja também este site para mais arte relacionada a Nethack e outros Roguelikes.

Here’s a small movie I did while learning to use Blender.
It features an @ entering by a door while a troll comes from the other side of the room. I added yellow light to the scene since it makes more sense; the dungeon rooms must have torchs to light them, I suppose.
Notice that the torchs’ flames doesn’t move; I haven’t learn how to achieve that effect yet.
Check this site for more Nethack & Roguelike related art.

2 pensou em “Nethack troll movie

  1. Roger Barnett

    I’m currently building an archive of roguelike fanart and fanfiction – including NetHack, Angband and many others. I’m only including fan art for which I can get the author’s permission to host copies.
    So I’m asking – may I please include your NetHack troll movie, and your two drawings in the roguelike fanworks archive? You would be fully credited as the author, with each one linking back to this site. If you give your permission, please send me an email saying so, otherwise I can’t include them.
    Thanks a lot,
    Roger Barnett


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