Arquivo da tag: Humor

Ria :) / For a laugh :)

Web Windows Simulator

English version below.
Nestes tempos em que tudo é feito via web, desde edição de textos e planilhas até mesmo um sistema operacional inteiro via web, surge uma nova forma de se usar Windows: o Windows RG – Really Good Edition! Toda a sensação de usar um sistema operacional moderno (de 1995) via web, com direito a todas as mensagens de erro e tudo o mais :-p
Windows RG!

Nowadays everything is done through the web, from text and spreadsheet edition to even a whole operational system via web; to fill this market there is now the Windows RG – Really Good Edition! Get all the feeling of using a modern operating system (*cough*from 1995*cough*), with all the error messages you’ve grown used to :-p
Windows RG!

Matrix Explained

Com a licença do professor Falken…As told by professor Falken

Matrix Explained

– So you’re saying that during all these years I thought I was living my life, but actually I was being controlled by a computer program? And that the real world is actually a wasteland?
– Exactly! We just don’t know yet who is the intelligence behind this simulation…
– Cool! I just invaded a system that have some games of simulation!
– Play that one first, “Global Thermonuclear War” !