Arquivo da categoria: Computadores


Paranoid screenshot

Paranoid quer ser um clone de Arkanoid, mas ainda não é… foi feito em Python e ainda está nos estágios iniciais. Foi um exercício para aprender um pouco sobre OpenGL e Python.
Acompanha o arquivo com algumas funções e objetos para ajudar a manipulação de objetos OpenGL bem simples.

Paranoid wants to be an Arkanoid clone when he grows up. It’s made in Python and it’s on the first stages yet. I did it as an exercise to learn more about OpenGL and Python.
Comes with the file with some functions and objects to help the handling of simple OpenGL objects.

Download (.tar.gz, 3K)

History of the microprocessors

Great moments in microprocessor history
The evolution of the modern microprocessor is one of many surprising twists and turns. Who invented the first micro? Who had the first 32-bit single-chip design? You might be surprised at the answers. This article shows the defining decisions that brought the contemporary microprocessor to its present-day configuration.
Also: Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present